Ðïâñâ, Sanz & el resto: May 2004

Ðïâñâ, Sanz & el resto

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

everybody hurts sometime, hold on...

yeah, this is a time not good for me, but maybe the things chance, not between he and me, just to chance in my life, I need it, because I think my heart is alone, and he doesnt want be sad anymore, he just wanna be free for to love, a real love, then to be in shadows find the light, find the sun and the sky, but I know, everybody hurts sometime, and maybe I did it, but now, my heart is break, anyway he will be ok in a few days, just for to be hurts again, and again, and never end...hold on

Monday, May 24, 2004

...quién lleva a quién?

Creo que ya no tengo en que pensar, y que no tengo que preocuparme por lo que sucederá, porque de una u otra forma pasará, me he dado cuenta que es inevitable y que no se puede cambiar nada que no quieras cambiar, he tratado de dominarlo, para que al final sea, lo que yo quiero que sea, y parece que lo he logrado, ni el propio destino se ha dado cuenta que soy yo la que lo lleva ahora, he soñado lo que ha pasado, incluso he deseado lo que ha pasado, como puede decidir uno lo que sucederá, no lo sé, pero parece que hasta hoy lo he hecho y me alegra, destino amigo mío, no se si existas, pues has sido lo que he querido, extraño?, si demasiado, quíen lleva a quién?, o quizás ya me perdí, si me encuentras por ahi, date la vuelta pues no te seguiré, puedes acompañarme si lo deseas, pero sólo como simple expectador...

Friday, May 21, 2004

more posts...

Somebody said me, you need more posts Diana Sanz, and I think yes, I need more, but I don't know about what write, becouse I've many work, and the people come and they say, Diana, do you have the master of the Yagual?, or Diana do you have information of litologi???, come on, all is Diana, and I need to do many things, so for today is all...

Thursday, May 20, 2004

well, let me think...

maybe some people think, who is Diana, well, Diana is a 23 years old girl, with many dreams, who lives in her own world, she is a dreamer, she wants win every time, but she has a problem, sometimes she can be shy, or you can see she like an angry people, but I think, she is Diana and maybe you and me need touch her soul for to be sure who is Diana, come on open your eyes and put attention...


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